My story is fairly straightforward: I'm a small town Midwestern girl, moved to the big city, got a fabulous job, then a great apartment, fell in love...and now I'm living happily every after!

Ha...I wish it was all that simple! The reality is a lot more complex, with many twists and turns. Sometimes I wonder how I've come out the other end, but I have, and embraced every step along the way.

In reality, I accidentally moved to New York City during the summer of 2001. To explain the accidental part – I came to visit a friend and just never left (imagine that conversation with my mother!). New York City can do that to you. I hustled to find a job and landed a waitressing gig on the Upper East Side in just 2 weeks. I started that job with $30 in my pocket while sleeping on a friend's couch, and brazenly began an unexpected new life.

  • 15 years leading high-level projects across television, advertising, strategy, and innovation

  • 5+ years executive coaching and leadership development

  • Engaged with and consulted C-level and senior leaders at both Fortune 500 and early stage start-ups

  • Clients from across industries

  • Co-founder & President of the HR tech platform Sayge

Since then, I’ve worked on TV shows for Comedy Central, interviewed supermodels, launched marketing campaigns for luxury cars, developed branding for political movements, and led conversations with billionaire business owners. Before helping start Sayge, I was a strategy and innovation consultant, working with Fortune 500 companies, mid-sized businesses, and early stage startups. I've always loved my role of creatively helping clients find their paths to future success and apply that every day while building Sayge. 

My journey to coaching started almost 10 years ago, when I found myself trying to keep my head above water while moving up in my career. I was struggling to find my voice and feel confident on my path, especially while working with incredibly difficult personalities. I hired my own coach, who saw me through both trying and triumphant times, and I still work with a coach to this day. Over the years, I slowly became the "go-to" person for colleagues who sought sound guidance in their overall careers and day-to-day situations. Plus, I independently began consulting for startups and entrepreneurs as they looked to both begin and grow their businesses. 

My passion lies in helping individuals and organizations see new possibilities and create plans that help achieve their goals. I love helping build strategies that turn aspirations into reality. I thrive in working with people who want and embrace change and who are excited at doing the work to move themselves forward. 

My "anything is possible" mindset has been built on a foundation of curiosity, determination, and perseverance that has seen me through life and professional experiences and has driven me to learn, grow, and stretch myself. I look forward to bringing this mindset and delivering results for you, your team, and ultimately your business.

Get in touch here, and let's make it happen!

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
— Walter Bagehot
Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life; it’s about what you inspire others to do.
— Unknown